Increase Your New Year’s Resolutions Success

Increase Your New Year’s Resolutions Success

A New Year brings renewed hope and excitement — the perfect time to vision and make resolutions. However, statistics report that even during the best of times, generally, only 12% of resolutions result in success. Here we are living in unprecedented times. Covid and Climate changes coupled with our internal battles have complicated human experience beyond measure. Our nervous systems are overwhelmed and continuously dysregulated.

This blog talks about three wisdom strategies – Refined Compassionate Dance – to update our resolution ritual and increase the odds of fulfilling them.

# First – Refine your Resolutions List

Collectively we all are seeking authenticity, peace, and purpose. Our priorities have shifted. The first wisdom is to refine and reprioritize your resolutions. Anything that creates more work and does not improve the quality of our life has no business demanding we work for it. If your resolutions reflect your deepest aspirations that shape your destiny, you will likely stay the course. 


# Second – Dance with the Restraining Forces

Creation is a dance between the restraining and activating forces of life. The activating forces fuels our desires, imaginations, and our will to create. The restraining forces maintain the status quo by showing up as internal/external setbacks. Both the forces are proportional to the level of transformation your creation will bring to life. So, whether your resolution is about transforming your life, business, or society, expect the restraining forces to show up as unexpected challenges. The second wisdom is making emotional room for these forces, building strategies to work through them, creating back up plans, and getting the right kind of support. This will monumentally increase the odds of your success. 


# Third – Build Compassionate Resilience 

There is a certain charm about discipline and perfection when it comes to resolutions. Understandably, most of us do not make room to derail. Highs and Lows are inevitable parts of life. The third wisdom is to toss out perfections and rigid discipline. Compassionately plan for derailing. Protect your enthusiasm by intentionally embracing messiness, mistakes, detours, and breaks. Build your resilience by making room for love, fun, sickness, and all the ebbs and flows of life. Align your timeline with the realities of your life. 


This Refined Compassionate Dance will help you move forward even if the pace is slower at certain times. If you stay the course, a time will come when internally, things have shifted enough to take shape of excitement, consistency, and a firm belief in your success.

The 3 Origins of Suffering

The 3 Origins of Suffering

Suffering is inbuilt in the human experience. Despite our privileged or marginalized positioning, each of us will suffer from time to time.

The evolutionary purpose of suffering is self-realization through unpacking the mysteries of our consciousness and deepening our love and connection with All That Is. However, endless and persisting suffering can do the opposite. It can harden our outlook and disconnect from life.

This blog highlights the 3 main origins of suffering to help you navigate your healing journey and know what to look for when choosing a healing professional for support.


Ancient Suffering

When life’s challenges persist despite logic and trying everything, the cause is most likely ancient. This ancient suffering is passed down from our ancestors, paternal and maternal bloodline, soul lineage, and past lives. All passed down to us through our DNA.

This is the non-optional inheritance that is part of the human experience. Nobody did anything wrong, but when parents consciously work on their ancestral issues, they pass down more blessings than challenges to their children.

This ancient suffering is our way of balancing something that happened in the past. These issues need to be looked at and reconciled for them to become blessings. Shamanic indigenous medicine and systemic family constellations are best suited to organize this level of consciousness.

This reminds me of a process I did for someone to explore the roots of their financial suffering. This person could not hold down a job, and the business they were running on the side was not working either. The family had similar financial suffering, so it was clear the root of this financial fate was coming from somewhere deep within their lineage. Our process revealed financial karma that happened at the great grandfather’s level reverberating in the lineage forward and impacting everyone.


Present Suffering

Present suffering is two-fold. It’s all the traumas we go through in our current life – abuse, abandonment, death, racism, sexism, illness, poverty (the list is endless). And the impact it leaves on our brains, thinking, perceiving, and feelings.

The actual underlying roots of these challenges can be ancient. But the impact alters our brain chemistry and locks us internally in that traumatic state. Healing these issues needs to be a twofold process. We need to resolve the underlying ancient roots of this suffering. And we need trauma healing techniques to rewire our brain and liberate our nervous systems from the damaging effects of trauma.

Some of the many impacts of trauma include – brain fog, dysregulation, disorientation, dissociation, difficulty making decisions, distorted thinking, flight/freeze responses, distorted love and attachment styles, internal panic and fear, distrust, lack of boundaries, codependency, difficulty concentrating, failures, developmental deficits, and an overall lack of joy and purpose to life. The earlier the suffering starts in life, the more significant the impact.

I remember working with someone who had changed a few therapists because they felt she wasn’t putting in the effort and perhaps was not ready for change. The real problem was that her brain was so foggy from the impact of her troubled childhood that dissociation was a survival response. We first addressed this impact, which slowly helped her stay present and allow change.



Future Suffering

Every life has an evolutionary arc and a destiny to become who we were born to be. There is a quiet inner voice continuously guiding us towards that north star. If we stray too far away from our evolutionary track, something shifts abruptly to bring us back on course.

This can show up as sudden death of relationships, careers, and life plans. Or they can linger as constant unhappiness or challenges in a particular path. They are all signs that our choices do not align with our soul’s evolutionary track. This is an intervention from Grace. The suffering of this kind requires us to go inward, connect with our hearts and follow that quiet voice within.

Many years ago, I experienced traumatic abusive behavior from a spiritual organizer, which led me to leave that organization. For a while, that spiritual space felt misaligned, but I kept thinking that something was lacking in my faith. Processing that incident brought me to the Divine Mother’s feet and face to face with my wild sacred divine feminine. A whole new portal of spirituality opened for me. It was the right fit. I was home, and my heart blessed the suffering brought onto me by that organizer.


Lastly, there is also a shared aspect of collective suffering, but that is a topic for another time. For now, I hope this breakdown makes it easier to identify where our challenges fall and make informed choices.

Suffering, in general, asks us to go on a treasure hunt into our subconscious. We need to discern and heal the cause of our suffering. These journeys will be painful but will bring the necessary liberation and growth we need to make something beautiful of our lives.

The New World is Coming

The New World is Coming

Our world is in correction mode,

Creating unprecedented upheaval,

Outburst spilled everywhere.

Not one aspect spared,

Not one remains untouched,

We are all in this together,

Yet so many lost in isolation,

Some of us are not going to make it. 


Heavens are dreaming of that humanity,

Where reaching out is normal,

Where speaking truth is expected,

Collective equality and sharing is celebrated. 

Our hearts are not going to settle,

For anything less than that now.


Quiet down, you, incessant noise,

The rush to reach the top of the mountain,

On a good day, I can hear HER breathing,

All will be well now, 

She is leading the way,

The new world is coming. 

I am a WOMAN

I am a WOMAN

I am wild, crazy and funny
Humble, loving, and caring
Intelligent, smart and savvy
Delicate and strong
Light, dark and the shadow
I am an enigma, I am whole
The Divine Mother, I am a WOMAN

I am just saying NO to men
Dominant, arrogant and in your face ones
Humble, helpful, and spiritual ones too
I am saying NO
Don’t gather me around to teach, preach or dazzle
Let’s share ideas instead

I don’t want you to be my teacher
My guru, my leader, my savior or my guide
I don’t need you to show me the light
Can’t you see?
I am born to find my own way

I don’t want to emotional labor
Offering flowers of my silences
Nodding of my trained approvals
I just want you to be my friend
My lover, my partner, and my EQUAL
Nothing more, Nothing less

Come to me in that spirit
And I might let you into the secret gardens of my Universe
Where complex delicate dreams are cooked
Portals of Love and Passion being brewed
Hiding the mysteries of life in my womb

Be still and quiet for a moment
You might just learn a thing or two !!

Abundant Gifts of Ancestral Healing

Abundant Gifts of Ancestral Healing

Ancestral Healing (aka Family Constellations) is a beautiful healing process that reaches the level of truth and reconciliation where conventional wisdom fails to arrive. This wisdom looks at the individual as a living family tree with roots in ancestral and global history. It reveals the interconnections between our present and our ancestral past to bring the complexity of our human lives to light. This systemic lens reveals the hidden mysteries of our lives, and real solutions begin to emerge. 

Some of the many gifts of Ancestral Healing are –


Hidden Solutions

From time to time, we run into situations where conventional wisdom like Psychotherapy, Positive Thinking, Law of Attraction, and Visualizations fail to help. At best, we learn to manage and adapt to our conditions. When nothing else works, Ancestral Healing usually does. This process accesses a field of consciousness that is invisible to the conscious mind. Our intention for truth and reconciliation helps us travel through space and time, to meet our ancestors, history, and past lifetimes and clear the echoes of the past. 


Freedom of Free Will

On one level, we all have free will, and on another, there are forces beyond us that influence even what we desire. Sometimes in life, we end up making destructive or impulsive choices that we later spend a lifetime regretting. Ancestral Healing reveals how the hidden and unresolved forces of our lineage show up in our life demanding resolution and rest. When we acknowledge them, they also bless us to live freely. The freedom of choice that comes from such healing is very different from the western understanding of free will.


Claiming our Desires and Life Force

Sometimes in life, we don’t know what we want, are unable to manifest what we want, or do not feel satisfied after getting what we wanted. This usually happens when we are entangled with someone else’s story and lose touch with our essential selves. These situations are an indicator of our blind love for our ancestors taking over our lives. With Ancestral Healing, we can move past the failures, losses, and painful fates of our ancestors, and release ourselves from the contracts to finish what they could not. This healing brings clarity into our heart’s true desires and opens our power to create. 


Meeting our Cheerleaders

Ancestors celebrate when we move forward in our life. They have the wisdom, truth, and information that we need to succeed in our life and are ready to support us if we allow them. The dimensions where they live also help them learn from our journey. Ancestral Healing opens the pathways of love with these resources in ways never explored before. We witness our connection with our ancestors transcending time and space and learn to actively call upon them for support, guidance, and forward momentum.


Grounded Oneness and Compassion

Ancestral Healing shows us the complex familial dynamics, historical and social landscape our ancestors lived through. This truth helps to see their choices in a new light and differentiates the deed (sin) from the doer (sinner). The same perspective when extended to self and others, frees us from the paradigms of right/wrong and good/bad. It opens new pathways of understanding which brings us forgiveness, acceptance and compassion for self and others. This shift is required to bring healing and reconciliation for humanity.


Grounded Spiritual Awakening

Sometimes spiritual people lack the psychological growth and ability to hold space for the shadows and traumas of life. Their perpetual positivity disconnects them from the realities of life, and they might create more harm than good. Sometimes people lacking the spiritual path, find themselves drowning in suffering in the face of extreme trauma. Ancestral Healing, when done right has the potential to awaken us in a grounded manner. When we see the complexity of life, love, and suffering so up close, it removes the obsession for positivity or negativity. It frees us from the concept of a punishing God and connects us with spiritual resources beyond us.