Family Constellations - Ancestral Healing

How many of us feel the internal freedom and power to shape our life? 

Often our unconscious impulses take over. The insights from Ancestral Healing frees us from repeating our past and open doors to lasting free will.

We live in a living universe and a living universe lives within us, influencing us in more ways than we can imagine. Our lives are not just a reflection of our individual experiences.

Our Ancestors, our families, land, nature, animals, Spirit, and Earth all live within us. We are all of them. They nourish us with their blessings. And they challenge us with their unresolved trauma and oppression. Science acknowledges this truth via Epigenetic’s but indigenous cultures knew this all along. 

Family Constellations is one such ancestral healing modality built on the principles of ancient indigenous wisdom. Here we expand the solution lens systemically to explore the unresolved suffering of our ancestors, families, and lineages that are behind the challenges of our lives. The same goes for our gifts, blessings, purpose, and desires – we explore the systemic forces available and capable of support.

A constellation session can be done one on one, or in a group both. It can be done in person or online. And on the face of it, it looks similar to a shamanic psychodrama kind of a process. 

Sessions are available in multiple timezones and held online over Zoom. Each session will last 2 hours. Contact to book.

Are you struggling with belonging, love, and relationships?

Are you struggling with self-agency, creative power, voice, and purpose?

Do your challenges persist despite logic and trying everything?

Do you see similarities with your parent’s fate or family suffering?

Do you feel like you are different or living a different life than what seems normal?

Do you worry about the emotional inheritance you are building for your children?

All our ancestors and future generations are present in us all the time. Happiness is not an individual matter. As long as the ancestors in us are still suffering, we can’t be happy and we will transmit that suffering to our children and their children.

~Thich Nhat Hanh


Gifts from Family Constellations

Hidden Solutions

When nothing else works, constellations usually always do. They access a field of consciousness that is invisible to the conscious mind and therefore can reveal the hidden truth behind our situations. When that truth is acknowledged, it sets us free.

Love and Resources 

Constellations open the pathways of Love to our families, ancestors, and spirit guides in ways never explored before. We witness these love connections transcending time and space and learn to actively call upon them for support.

Intentions and Desires

Constellations help us distinguish our heart’s true desires from the unconscious unfulfilled desires of our loved ones. With renewed clarity, our life force is liberated to follow our heart’s wisdom and intent.

Freedom of Free Will

Constellations reveal how the hidden forces of our systemic conscience bind us to our unresolved ancestral history. It releases us from these dysfunctional loyalties and empowers us to claim freedom of choice.

Oneness and Compassion

Constellations expand our perspectives beyond the paradigms of right/wrong, good/bad, guilt/shame and opens pathways of understanding and inclusion. This raises our vibration to compassion and oneness.


Constellations help us include life in all forms. It open us to humility, surrender, divine grace, & love in the face of shadows & grief. It opens doors to grounded self-realization where the search for outside answers can stop.